Streamline your charity event management with EventEntry. Enjoy easy setup, transparent fees, and full control over your event. Contact us today to learn more!
Our rates already offer exceptional value, but for bonefide UK registered charities, we could offer reduced rates ... after all, you're doing amazing work and every penny counts - call 0330 058 0915 today to discuss, or contact us via email.
EventEntry manages entries for you, leaving you to concentrate on your event - no more paper entry forms or cheques!
After we've setup your first event, from that point forwards, you can self-administer every aspect using our Organiser Portal - including creating new events.
EventEntry is totally free to setup, with transparent & all-inclusive service charges based simply upon entry price. Nothing is hidden or buried away in small print, there are no additional payment processing charges and there is no VAT.
We have no minimum contract terms, no minimum number of entries - we're inclusive, not restrictive!
And if you're looking to host a wholly free event, fun-run / sports day or other free-to-attend event, then you can benefit from all the great features of EventEntry - for free!
If you're a UK Registered Charity or sports league, then we offer reduced rates (subject to minimum). Please contact us to discuss.
Our fee schedule below applies to events based in the UK transacting in GBP.
Entry price | Our fee |
Free event | £0.00 |
upto £10 | £0.50 |
upto £15 | £0.75 |
upto £20 | £1.00 |
upto £25 | £1.25 |
upto £30 | £1.50 |
upto £35 | £1.75 |
upto £40 | £2.00 |
upto £45 | £2.25 |
upto £50 | £2.50 |
over £50 | please see updated price calculator below |